Spinach and Strawberry Salad

Spinach, Strawberry and Goat Cheese Salad

One of my dearest friends Rachel used to come over with her little ones for play dates once a week and they would play and we would chit chat, drink coffee and eat lunch together.  Yep, we made a day out of it.  It was awesome.  Then our babies got bigger and started pre-school L  But, this is one of the lunches we had—Rachel brought it, and I’ve been addicted to this salad ever since.  I’ve been making the dressing with honey or agave nectar instead of sugar and it is still delish.  And I add goat cheese when I am deserving a treat.  It is great with or without it. (But, really, it’s better with it…yummmm…cheese…)  It is my go to salad.


Sliced strawberries
Chopped, toasted pecans
Goat cheese


1/4 c. canola or olive oil
2 T. balsamic vinegar
1 T. sugar or 1 T. honey
1/4 tsp. dried tarragon
1/8 tsp. onion powder
1/8 tsp. garlic powder
dash of dry mustard
Wisk all the ingredients together.


Prepare the spinach, strawberries and pecans and add to a large bowl.  Add the goat cheese and drizzle the dressing on and enjoy!

Recipe courtesy of Rachel Lynn